Friday, February 25, 2011


They say that insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.  Aren't we all insane to some extent?  I say yes, we are insane, in our own idiosyncrasy's of life.  Take my own actions for example; I go to bed on the same bed each night, waking in the same room each morning expecting life to be better more fulfilling than the day before.  Maybe expecting is the wrong word to use because I'm rather hoping more than anything.  What have I done to hope for a difference, hoping that when I turn on the news today I won't see or hear the same horrors and losses that are going in the world today as were yesterday?  I haven't done anything other than the simple act of prayer and eternal optimism.  Is that enough?  No, I guess not because when I turned on the television tonight I still heard the same horrible news that I always have, of a double homicide etc... why don't we rejoice and report more in the things that need to be rejoiced in more often - the birth of a child, the success of our neighbors, I know it sounds comical but I would love to hear on the news and tonight there was no murder, no home foreclosures, employment is up, national debt is lowered.  Call me the eternal optimist but tonight I will go to bed with the same prayers on my lips as the night before and tomorrow I will wake with the same insane hope that the world will be a better place.... I am certifiably insane and proud of it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A thought provoking post!