Sunday, February 27, 2011


Have you said there is all to say to a loved one?  If their or your time on Earth was at an end would there be any regrets? 

I can honestly say that if I were to leave this Earth tomorrow that I have said all I needed to say to my husband and loved my daughter with all of my heart for all of the time given me.  I would only regret not being there for her most important days in life; I would miss her graduating, her going to college, her first love, her marriage, her having children, I would miss holding her though her first heart break, I would miss rejoicing with her over her first and greatest successes in life... I would MISS her and my husband but I would also know that they would know that my love transended time and that I loved them with all of my heart.

I know that this sounds morbid but I was thinking about regrets tonight.  I know that we all have regrets but in the culmination of things my greatest regrets would be not having the time needed to reconcile with my sister - there are so many things I would love to say to her if the time ever came the greatest of these is "to please if not forgive me then to at least pardon me for any real or perceived wrongs" - to tell her that I DO love her and I miss her dearly in my life... some roads once veered off of are so hard to ever walk down again...

I genuinely miss my sister and I wonder if we will ever get to a point of forgiveness on both parts but if we ever do I pray that I have the grace to accept the things I can not change and to change the things that I can - Serenity is such a small word but has such large implications don't you think?

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