Friday, March 11, 2011


I haven't written in a few days simply because I didn't have much to say. **Beware that this post is a little all over the place**

  All is right in my little world.  In some ways I look around and can't smile and the things that make me frown are not very important so why let them bother me... right? 

This week has been a roller-coaster ride.
Note to self: always get prescriptions filled BEFORE they run out.  Tuesday night I didn't have a medication that I usually take and found myself awake at 2:00 a.m. unable to go back to sleep.  I watched re-runs of America's Next Top Model **I'm not the biggest fan**, Private Practice and Nakiata. The next day I honestly didn't know if I was coming or going though by Wednesday afternoon I had caught my sixth or seventh wind.

Thursday was a lazy day at the house with the girls.  We did very little other than the necessary; me being still shaky and tired. 

But today... today was beautiful.  I only had Cecilia and Allie Beth to care for which made things simple to say the least.  We had a morning of cereal and cartoons -- dress up -- more cartoons -- coloring and playdough.  After all that I decided it was time to get out of the house for a bit -- on the way out I checked the mail to find a letter from the state saying we had more of a tax return than we expected from 486 to 803 almost DOUBLE and that has gotta make anyone smile. 

So to celebrate I took the girls to Chick-fil-a and then to Target where we bought a new movie and I bought a much needed and desired extra large flat iron that works on wet hair.  I have to admit I was skeptical at first but this thing really works - my hair is full of body and fantastic -- it's the first time I have LIKED my hair in a while!  SO... getting back home after our expedition late I decided to let the girls skip nap time and instead have quiet time watching their new movie "Anastasia" while I picked up the house and put out our Spring decorations. 

Once Cecilia left for the day and David came home we were off to a MOPS friend Lisa's to pick up a picnic/sand-box toy that I had bought from her.  We got home and had it put together in under five minutes; which if anyone knows David and I, that is a miracle as we are the most NONFUNCTIONAL people I know - I mean we can't even screw in light bulbs without something going wrong!  It was freaking awesome and I can't stop smiling about it.  We let Allie Beth play for a bit and then went to Sammy's Seafood for our Friday Fish (one cool thing about being Catholic is fish during lent every Friday) -- then off to Target AGAIN to buy two Adirondack chairs - they are great - comfortable - plastic and blue.  So once home we spent about an hour outside sitting in our chairs - having a drink - listening to music while Allie Beth played in her new sandbox. Today was a GREAT day and all was right with the world.  Tomorrow... who knows; but today was GREAT. 

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